Pellegrino di Zanetto de Micheli 1520-1603 1520-1603 Pellegrino Micheli (ca. 1520 ? ca. 1606) is one of the most important figures in the early history of the violin. He was one of the first makers of the Brescian school and a contemporary of Gasparo da Salo. He was born in Brescia, the son of Zanetto Micheli, and for 65 years he carried out a very long and rich career as a music instrument maker, specializing in strings, learned from Zanetto. He started with violas; then in the 1550s he worked with violins and in the 1570s also in ceteras. The first record of his activity is in 1548, when he was 28 years old. In 1568 he was called "maestro di strumenti da sonar" (master of instrument for playing) a special qualification in common with da Salo that testifies to the variety of the items made by the maker: viols, violas, violones, lyras, double basses, violins, ceteras. The last record is in 1606 where Pellegrino is mentioned like "citharedi". He became a very rich man like da Salo and Costanzo Antegnati. The name has been misunderstood as Pellegrino Zanetto or Zanetto Pellegrino for the fact that in his labels he named himself "Peregrino f(ilius). q(uondam). m(agistro). Zanetto" that means "Pellegrino son of the late Zanetto". Beautiful instruments survive, like the viola da gamba without corners of the MIM, Musee Instrumentale de Musique in Bruxelles; this typical model was used also by Gasparo da Salo for two instruments, one in the Vazquez collection and one in the Vettori collection. from Wikipedia
マスター コピー ヴィオラ
Pellegrino di Zanetto de Micheli 1560
16.5 ” Model Viola OLD FINISH
Copy Viola Of
Pellegrino di Zanetto de Micheli c1560
このヴィオラは 、 北京のバイオリン工房の経験豊かな熟練職人によって、時間を惜しみなく投入し、音質重視で、全工程一人の職人によって完全責任製作された究極の工房製バイオリンです。この工房は通常、Unvernished(ニスの塗らない半完成品)の状態でヨーロッパの大手ブランドに輸出しており、通常完成品の販売はしておりませんが、今回数量限定で特別納品頂いたものです。材料、仕上がり共にヨーロッパ工房バイオリンに劣らぬ高いレベルの仕上がりです。この価格での販売は破格のものと自負しております。使い込む程に、時の流れとともにますます味合と輝きのます上質のバイオリンをこの機会にどうぞ。
Pellegrino di Zanetto de Micheli 1520-1603 1520-1603
Pellegrino Micheli (ca. 1520 ? ca. 1606) is one of the most important figures in the early history of the violin. He was one of the first makers of the Brescian school and a contemporary of Gasparo da Salo. He was born in Brescia, the son of Zanetto Micheli, and for 65 years he carried out a very long and rich career as a music instrument maker, specializing in strings, learned from Zanetto. He started with violas; then in the 1550s he worked with violins and in the 1570s also in ceteras. The first record of his activity is in 1548, when he was 28 years old. In 1568 he was called "maestro di strumenti da sonar" (master of instrument for playing) a special qualification in common with da Salo that testifies to the variety of the items made by the maker: viols, violas, violones, lyras, double basses, violins, ceteras. The last record is in 1606 where Pellegrino is mentioned like "citharedi". He became a very rich man like da Salo and Costanzo Antegnati. The name has been misunderstood as Pellegrino Zanetto or Zanetto Pellegrino for the fact that in his labels he named himself "Peregrino f(ilius). q(uondam). m(agistro). Zanetto" that means "Pellegrino son of the late Zanetto". Beautiful instruments survive, like the viola da gamba without corners of the MIM, Musee Instrumentale de Musique in Bruxelles; this typical model was used also by Gasparo da Salo for two instruments, one in the Vazquez collection and one in the Vettori collection. from Wikipedia
* ヴィオラ単体の販売です。
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