※他モールでも併売しているため、タイミングによって在庫切れの可能性がございます。その際は、別途ご連絡させていただきます。 MONO M80 Tenor Ukulele Case BLK
Color:Black Weight:3kg After fielding countless requests from our players, we're proud to announce the M80 Ukulele Case. Setting out to design the ultimate solution for the traveling ukulele player, we met with master ukulele builders and world touring players to gather input and inspiration. The resulting product brings all of the protection of our M80 hybrid guitar case, at half the size. One of the world's most portable instruments just got more... portable. Respect the ukulele.
After fielding countless requests from our players, we're proud to announce the M80 Ukulele Case. Setting out to design the ultimate solution for the traveling ukulele player, we met with master ukulele builders and world touring players to gather input and inspiration. The resulting product brings all of the protection of our M80 hybrid guitar case, at half the size. One of the world's most portable instruments just got more... portable. Respect the ukulele.
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T's CS-600 新品 コンサートウクレレ[ティーズ][国産][CS600][Mango,マンゴー][Concert Ukulele]|ギタープラネットOnline
Lahaina(ラハイナ) クリスタルバンジョーウクレレ レッド LBU-200RD|マニッシュボーイ
【送料込】KALA KA-CANDY-KEY_W/BAG Key Lime ハイグロスカラー コンサートウクレレ/ギグバッグ付【smtb-TK】【ポイント5倍】|愛曲楽器バーゲンセンター