John Lynch, a member of the wild geese and originally from Galway, leaves Ireland for the M・・doc. the designation the Wild Geese was given to the Irish who served several armies of European countries during the seventeenth century, His son Thomas inherited in 1749 a wine estate from his wife ・・lisabeth Drouillard, daughter of the treasurer of France Pierre Drouillard. Lynch Castle was born for three-quarters of a century, the estate was owned by the Lynch family. score 93/100 Varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot. 75cl x 12
Chateau Lynch Bages 1981 / シャトー ランシュ バージュ 1981
John Lynch, a member of the wild geese and originally from Galway, leaves Ireland for the M・・doc. the designation the Wild Geese was given to the Irish who served several armies of European countries during the seventeenth century, His son Thomas inherited in 1749 a wine estate from his wife ・・lisabeth Drouillard, daughter of the treasurer of France Pierre Drouillard. Lynch Castle was born for three-quarters of a century, the estate was owned by the Lynch family.
score 93/100
Varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot.
75cl x 12
シャトーオーブリオン 2012 常に時代を先駆ける、グラーヴ唯一の一級シャトー。世界で最もエレガントで複雑と称されるアロマを湛えた、慎み深く雄大なグラーヴの獅子。【 Wine Advocate 96+点】|ベストワイン輸入販売大人の至高屋
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