取り外し簡単で、掲示物を美しく見せるアクリル製の曲面サインホルダー。四隅にマグネット付なので前面が取り外しでき、ポップの差し替えがカンタンです。曲面ディスプレイでPOPを美しく展示。立て置き、寝かせ置きが可能で展示スペースに応じて2WAY使用。●写真立●タテ・寝かせ置き可●規格:A6●内寸:縦148×横105mm●外寸:縦170×横121×奥行50mm●材質:アクリル樹脂(板厚2.5mm+2.0mm)、磁石●適合用紙厚さ:約0.5mm●色:クリア Made of acrylic, curved sign holder removal easy and flattering publications. You can remove front corners with a magnet so the pop replacement is easy. POP show beautifully on the display surface. Vertical position, put lay in using the 2-WAY depending on the exhibition space. -Pictures of-vertical-position lay-friendly-standard A6-in dimensions: length 148 x 105 mm-outside dimensions: 170 x next 121 × depth 50 mm-material: acrylic resin (plate thickness: 2. 5 mm+2... 0 mm), magnets-fit sheet thickness is: about 0. 5 mm-color: clear Jan:4560258442879 ? Body weight (kg):0.11 ◆ more interior width (mm): 122 ◆ pieces exterior depth (mm): 55 ? pieces exterior height (mm): 175 ◆ pieces weight (kg):0.115
Made of acrylic, curved sign holder removal easy and flattering publications. You can remove front corners with a magnet so the pop replacement is easy. POP show beautifully on the display surface. Vertical position, put lay in using the 2-WAY depending on the exhibition space. -Pictures of-vertical-position lay-friendly-standard A6-in dimensions: length 148 x 105 mm-outside dimensions: 170 x next 121 × depth 50 mm-material: acrylic resin (plate thickness: 2. 5 mm+2... 0 mm), magnets-fit sheet thickness is: about 0. 5 mm-color: clear
? Body weight (kg):0.11 ◆ more interior width (mm): 122 ◆ pieces exterior depth (mm): 55 ? pieces exterior height (mm): 175 ◆ pieces weight (kg):0.115
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