※商品画像はイメージです。デザインの変更・確定前やイメージ画像となっている場合があります。 ※注文後30分間は注文履歴からキャンセルが可能です。当店で注文を確認した後は原則キャンセル不可となります。予めご了承ください。 Michelangelo Antonioni invented a new film grammar with this masterwork. An iconic piece of challenging 1960s cinema and a gripping narrative on it's own terms, L'AVVENTURA concerns the enigmatic disappearance of a young woman during a yachting trip off the coast of Sicily, and the search taken up by her disaffected lover (Gabriele Ferzetti) and best friend (Monica Vitti, in her breakout role). Antonioni's controversial international sensation is a gorgeously shot tale of modern ennui and spiritual isolation. Of modern ennui and spiritual isolation.
L'Avventura (Criterion Collection) ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】◆タイトル: L'Avventura (Criterion Collection)
- 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて
- ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。
◆現地発売日: 2014/09/04
◆レーベル: Criterion Collection
Michelangelo Antonioni invented a new film grammar with this masterwork. An iconic piece of challenging 1960s cinema and a gripping narrative on it's own terms, L'AVVENTURA concerns the enigmatic disappearance of a young woman during a yachting trip off the coast of Sicily, and the search taken up by her disaffected lover (Gabriele Ferzetti) and best friend (Monica Vitti, in her breakout role). Antonioni's controversial international sensation is a gorgeously shot tale of modern ennui and spiritual isolation. Of modern ennui and spiritual isolation.
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