■納期状況をご確認ください サイズ:26はこちら サイズ:27はこちら サイズ:28はこちら サイズ:29はこちら サイズ:30はこちら サイズ:31はこちら サイズ:32はこちら サイズ:33はこちら サイズ:34はこちら■商品概要■レディース 【カラー】ブラック 【素材】Cordura?/Cotton 【重量】1.0kg 【生地重量】13 oz/m2 【仕様】 ・Elasticized fabric ・Cordura? high tenacity polyamide fabric■詳細説明 J-Tracker Lady are motorcycle jeans made with a Cordura?/Cotton blend fabric. Developed by SPIDI’s Safety Lab, J-Tracker Lady perfectly combine practicality and safety; the EN 1621-1:2012 certified Warrior Lite protectors on the knees are included. J-Tracker Lady are prEN 17092: 2017 class A certified. WARRIOR TECH By continuous research and experience, gained from Safety Lab, comes a new technology signed by SPIDI, synthesis of history and innovation, two founding values of the Brand. The main goal of the Safety Lab has always been focused on nding the best combination of comfort and safety. After a long time of experimentation on track, through software simulations and tests in the urban environment, engineers of the SPIDI Community created the Warrior Tech, a new technology, with a careful study of bio-mechanics and ergonomics, able to protect the rider in the most sensitive areas in the event of a fall. 【SAFETY】 Declaration of conformity CE CODE: J-TRACKER CE: Protective motorcycle gear according to the (UE)2016/454 Regulation. PPE protective apparel for motorcycle use - EN 17092-4:2020 Class A certified Warrior Protectors certificate EN 1621-1 Lev. 1 knees Lite Warrior protectors hips Optional 【PERFORMANCE】 Carabiner attachment Band to join Pants Clip 【ERGONOMY】 Designed to fit the ladies morphology at best Slim fit Knee protector adjustable positioning■注意点 ※Wash by hand below 40度 ※Do not bleach ※Drip line drying ※Iron at maximum sole plate temperature (110度) ※Do not dry clean ※Do not wring ※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。 ※サイズチャートはあくまでも目安となります。商品によっては異なる場合がありますので予めご了承ください。■商品番号 J64-026-26
SPIDI スピーディー J-TRACKER パンツ レディース:ウェビック 店
【期間限定クーポン配布中】【メール便・ゆうパケット】▼ロングパンツ〔ジャストレングス〕 【M/L/LL寸:メンズ】ニューバランスゴルフ New balance GOLF ゴルフ パンツ メンズ【ポイント5倍】【2024春夏新作モデル】 012-4131006:ゴルフウェアとジ-ンズの店SUEHIRO
【生地重量】13 oz/m2
・Elasticized fabric
・Cordura? high tenacity polyamide fabric■詳細説明
J-Tracker Lady are motorcycle jeans made with a Cordura?/Cotton blend fabric.
Developed by SPIDI’s Safety Lab, J-Tracker Lady perfectly combine practicality and safety; the EN 1621-1:2012 certified Warrior Lite protectors on the knees are included.
J-Tracker Lady are prEN 17092: 2017 class A certified.
By continuous research and experience, gained from Safety Lab, comes a new technology signed by SPIDI, synthesis of history and innovation, two founding values of the Brand.
The main goal of the Safety Lab has always been focused on nding the best combination of comfort and safety.
After a long time of experimentation on track, through software simulations and tests in the urban environment, engineers of the SPIDI Community created the Warrior Tech, a new technology, with a careful study of bio-mechanics and ergonomics, able to protect the rider in the most sensitive areas in the event of a fall.
Declaration of conformity CE CODE: J-TRACKER
CE: Protective motorcycle gear according to the (UE)2016/454 Regulation.
PPE protective apparel for motorcycle use - EN 17092-4:2020 Class A certified
Warrior Protectors certificate EN 1621-1 Lev. 1 knees
Lite Warrior protectors hips Optional
Carabiner attachment
Band to join Pants Clip
Designed to fit the ladies morphology at best
Slim fit
Knee protector adjustable positioning■注意点
※Wash by hand below 40度
※Do not bleach
※Drip line drying
※Iron at maximum sole plate temperature (110度)
※Do not dry clean
※Do not wring
SPIDI スピーディー J-TRACKER パンツ レディース:ウェビック 店
【期間限定クーポン配布中】【メール便・ゆうパケット】▼ロングパンツ〔ジャストレングス〕 【M/L/LL寸:メンズ】ニューバランスゴルフ New balance GOLF ゴルフ パンツ メンズ【ポイント5倍】【2024春夏新作モデル】 012-4131006:ゴルフウェアとジ-ンズの店SUEHIRO
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