ー品販売Bouchard Echezeaux 2018 / ブシャール エシェゾー 2018|Fine and Rare
Bouchard Echezeaux 2018 / ブシャール エシェゾー 2018
The ・・chezeaux is a particularly fine wine with intense aromas of red fruit and spices produced in the ・・chezeaux climate in Flagey-・・chezeaux. The vineyard runs along the wall of Clos Vougeot, stretching up to the mountain above the Grands ・・chezeaux. Varieties : Pinot Noir Wine Score : 94/100 75cl
Bouchard Echezeaux 2018 / ブシャール エシェゾー 2018
The ・・chezeaux is a particularly fine wine with intense aromas of red fruit and spices produced in the ・・chezeaux climate in Flagey-・・chezeaux.
The vineyard runs along the wall of Clos Vougeot, stretching up to the mountain above the Grands ・・chezeaux.
Varieties : Pinot Noir
Wine Score : 94/100
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