いろいろなプリンターに使えて手書きもできる「いつものラベル」。用途別にバリエーションも豊富です。●坪量:118g/●総厚:124μm●白色度:約80%●ラベル厚:71μm●カラーコピー機●モノクロコピー機●カラーレーザー●モノクロレーザー●インクジェット●熱転写プリンタ●染料●顔料●規格:全面(ノーカット)●1冊入数:500枚●片数:500●材質:上質紙 "The usual label" which it is usable to various printers, and the handwriting can play. The variation is abundant according to a use, too. ●Basis weight: 118g/ ● total thickness: 124μm ● whiteness level: Approximately 80 %● labels thickness: 71μm ● color copier ● monochrome copier ● color laser ● monochrome laser ● ink-jet ● heat transfer printer ● dye ● color ● standard: A number with full-scale (no cut) ● one book: 500 pieces of ● single number: 500 ● materials: Fine paper
"The usual label" which it is usable to various printers, and the handwriting can play. The variation is abundant according to a use, too. ●Basis weight: 118g/ ● total thickness: 124μm ● whiteness level: Approximately 80 %● labels thickness: 71μm ● color copier ● monochrome copier ● color laser ● monochrome laser ● ink-jet ● heat transfer printer ● dye ● color ● standard: A number with full-scale (no cut) ● one book: 500 pieces of ● single number: 500 ● materials: Fine paper
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