Chantal Remy シャンタル レミー Domaine Chantal Remy Clos de La Roche Grand Cru 赤ワイン 750ml [AOC]クロ ド ラ ロッシュ 特級畑 [評 価]90-92点 The 2014 Clos de la Roche Grand Cru has a clean and precise bouquet, with a mixture of red and back fruit, leaning more towards the former as its opens in the glass. The palate is very well balanced with a fleshy opening. There is a slight savory note originating from the wood, quite structured towards the finish but with decent length. I think this will show better once in bottle. 222, The Wine Advocate(31st Dec 2015)
Chantal Remy
シャンタル レミー Domaine Chantal Remy Clos de La Roche Grand Cru
赤ワイン 750ml
[AOC]クロ ド ラ ロッシュ 特級畑
[評 価]90-92点
The 2014 Clos de la Roche Grand Cru has a clean and precise bouquet, with a mixture of red and back fruit, leaning more towards the former as its opens in the glass. The palate is very well balanced with a fleshy opening. There is a slight savory note originating from the wood, quite structured towards the finish but with decent length. I think this will show better once in bottle.
222, The Wine Advocate(31st Dec 2015)
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送料無料 2015 グリオット シャンベルタン 特級畑 750ml クロード デュガ 赤ワイン コク辛口 ワイン ^B0CDGC15^|ヴェリタス~輸入直販ワイン専門店
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