驚きの低価格でMIVV ミヴ SPEED EDGE BLACK スリップオンマフラー F800R F800GT:ウェビック 店
■商品概要 タイプ:ステンレスブラック コード:B.008.LRB ライン:スリップオンサイレンサー ポシション:スタンダード 認証 特徴 出力: +0.10 HP トルク: -0.50 Nm 重量: -2.00 kg ベンチ測定: 【純正】 ・最大出力 (HP):82.50 ・RPM:8.600 ・最大トルク (Nm):89.40 ・RPM:6.000 ・重量 (kg):4.80 【MIVVオープン】 ・最大出力 (HP):82.60 ・RPM:6.000 ・最大トルク (Nm):88.90 ・RPM:8.800 ・重量 (kg):2.80■詳細説明 ・dB(A):Item homologated in compliance with one of the following directives:EC - Directive of the European Parliament and Council nr. 97/24/CE and next updates or ECE/ONU - Rule n° 92 and next updates ・CO2:This product complies with the specific regulations on emissions of polluting gases ・CARB:California laws prohibit the use of any aftermarket exhaust part or system that modifies. removes or replaces original equipment catalysts unless the California Air Resources Board has issued an Executive Order regarding such part or system or unless the part or system is exempted by being used only on racing vehicles on closed courses. Neither MIVV nor any of its distributors make any statement that any of their parts or systems has received such an Executive Order or that any of their parts or systems conform with the racing vehicles exemption. The purchasers are entirely responsible for informing themselves of applicable California laws and to comply with those laws. Designed to improve the aestethics, sound and performance of the bike, Mivv slip-on exhausts are the result of maximum attention to design, with the aim of satisfying those who want to distinguish themselves by the look of their motorbikes.; Modern design and excellent performance are the main features of the SPEED EDGE exhaust, which combines also a distinctly sporting sound.; This exhaust features a carbon cap and securing strap and a central body made of black stainless steel with a brushed Black Satin effect that provides a more aggressive look to the silencer. Hexagon shaped, it is provided with a removable dB-killer. 【EMISSIONS NOTICE】 ・NOTICE The range of MIVV exhausts is regulated according to internationally recognized approval laws. The buyer is fully responsible for verifying whether the product he/she intends to purchase complies with local laws. Mivv exhausts that are type approved for road use are marked with a type approval number and are provided with the relevant certificate of homologation. ・NOTICE / USA Several U.S. states and the U.S. federal government have individual laws regulating the use of aftermarket exhaust parts and systems. especially as those parts and systems modify. remove. or replace original equipment catalysts. Please consult the appropriate laws in your area before installing any aftermarket part or system on your vehicle to ensure compliance with all applicable laws. Neither MIVV nor its distributors or the sellers of the parts or systems make any statement that any of their parts or systems comply with any such laws. ・NOTICE / CALIFORNIA California laws prohibit the use of any aftermarket exhaust part or system that modifies. removes or replaces original equipment catalysts unless the California Air Resources Board has issued an Executive Order regarding such part or system or unless the part or system is exempted by being used only on racing vehicles on closed courses. Neither MIVV nor any of its distributors make any statement that any of their parts or systems has received such an Executive Order or that any of their parts or systems conform with the racing vehicles exemption. The purchasers are entirely responsible for informing themselves of applicable California laws and to comply with those laws.■注意点 【JMCA未認証】 ※JMCA未認証のマフラーは車検・公道走行に適さない場合がございます。 ※取り扱い説明書が、付属する場合は外国語となります。 ※公道走行不可 ※受注後のキャンセル、返品、都合交換はできません。予めご了承ください。■適合車種 F800R F800R 年式: 09- F800GT F800GT 年式: 09- ■商品番号 B.008.LRB
出力: +0.10 HP
トルク: -0.50 Nm
重量: -2.00 kg
・最大出力 (HP):82.50
・最大トルク (Nm):89.40
・重量 (kg):4.80
・最大出力 (HP):82.60
・最大トルク (Nm):88.90
・重量 (kg):2.80■詳細説明
・dB(A):Item homologated in compliance with one of the following
directives:EC - Directive of the European Parliament and Council nr. 97/24/CE and next updates or ECE/ONU - Rule n° 92 and next updates
・CO2:This product complies with the specific regulations on emissions of polluting gases
・CARB:California laws prohibit the use of any aftermarket exhaust part or system that modifies. removes or replaces original equipment catalysts unless the California Air Resources Board has issued an Executive Order regarding such part or system or unless the part or system is exempted by being used only on racing vehicles on closed courses. Neither MIVV nor any of its distributors make any statement that any of their parts or systems has received such an Executive Order or that any of their parts or systems conform with the racing vehicles exemption. The purchasers are entirely responsible for informing themselves of applicable California laws and to comply with those laws.
Designed to improve the aestethics, sound and performance of the bike, Mivv slip-on exhausts are the result of maximum attention to design, with the aim of satisfying those who want to distinguish themselves by the look of their motorbikes.; Modern design and excellent performance are the main features of the SPEED EDGE exhaust, which combines also a distinctly sporting sound.; This exhaust features a carbon cap and securing strap and a central body made of black stainless steel with a brushed Black Satin effect that provides a more aggressive look to the silencer. Hexagon shaped, it is provided with a removable dB-killer.
The range of MIVV exhausts is regulated according to internationally recognized approval laws. The buyer is fully responsible for verifying whether the product he/she intends to purchase complies with local laws. Mivv exhausts that are type approved for road use are marked with a type approval number and are provided with the relevant certificate of homologation.
Several U.S. states and the U.S. federal government have individual laws regulating the use of aftermarket exhaust parts and systems. especially as those parts and systems modify. remove. or replace original equipment catalysts. Please consult the appropriate laws in your area before installing any aftermarket part or system on your vehicle to ensure compliance with all applicable laws. Neither MIVV nor its distributors or the sellers of the parts or systems make any statement that any of their parts or systems comply with any such laws.
California laws prohibit the use of any aftermarket exhaust part or system that modifies. removes or replaces original equipment catalysts unless the California Air Resources Board has issued an Executive Order regarding such part or system or unless the part or system is exempted by being used only on racing vehicles on closed courses. Neither MIVV nor any of its distributors make any statement that any of their parts or systems has received such an Executive Order or that any of their parts or systems conform with the racing vehicles exemption. The purchasers are entirely responsible for informing themselves of applicable California laws and to comply with those laws.■注意点
F800R 年式: 09-
F800GT 年式: 09- ■商品番号
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