パーカーポイント: 94点 予想される飲み頃:2018 - 2028 The 2008 Romanee St. Vivant is pure seduction. The aromatics alone are breathtaking, but the RSV is truly firing on all cylinders. Curiously, today the RSV is quite a bit rounder and suppler than the Echezeaux and Grands-Echezeaux. It shows remarkable silkiness, inner perfume and nobility. A seamless finish rounds things out in style. My instincts tell me this will firm up in bottle, but frankly I am a bit mystified that hasn’t happened yet. Today, this doesn’t look like a super long-term ager within the context of the domaine’s very finest wines. Anticipated maturity: 2018-2028. (0911, The Wine Advocate 30th Sep 2011)
Romanee St.Vivant
予想される飲み頃:2018 - 2028
The 2008 Romanee St. Vivant is pure seduction. The aromatics alone are breathtaking, but the RSV is truly firing on all cylinders. Curiously, today the RSV is quite a bit rounder and suppler than the Echezeaux and Grands-Echezeaux. It shows remarkable silkiness, inner perfume and nobility. A seamless finish rounds things out in style. My instincts tell me this will firm up in bottle, but frankly I am a bit mystified that hasn’t happened yet. Today, this doesn’t look like a super long-term ager within the context of the domaine’s very finest wines. Anticipated maturity: 2018-2028.
(0911, The Wine Advocate 30th Sep 2011)
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【ピーロート公式】 シャトー ベルリケ フランス 赤ワイン 2013 750ml 3本セット 辛口 メルロー カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン | ワイン ギフト・贈答・プレゼント・母の日 wine 酒 美味しい ブドウ 内祝い|ピーロート・ジャパン
アウトポスト カベルネソーヴィニヨン ハウエルマウンテン ナパヴァレー[2017]|しあわせワイン倶楽部
2012 シャトー パヴィChateau Pavie 750ml フランス 【赤ワイン】【送料無料/クール料金込】【クール推奨】【MK】|長左ヱ門商店
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