●商品説明 Premium canvas substrate on hardboardHardwood framing with linen linerEngraved brass nameplateCertificate of authenticity included&text=Of all the holiday rituals, the one I prize the most is the coming together of loved ones in shared celebration. Even if our family circle is small, the Christmas season can become a benchmark of friendship; a time when we pause to savor traditions of comfort and joy. More InformationComprised of Thomas Kinkade's most sought after images, the Classics Collection is carefully reproduced on cotton fibre canvas using the methods and materials used by the artist on his original paintings. Elegantly framed with museum quality materials to coordinate with the most popular frame styles in the Thomas Kinkade Limited Edition canvas collection, each piece in the Classics Collection comes complete with a Certificate of Authenticity.Features Premium canvas substrate on hardboardHardwood framing with linen linerEngraved brass nameplateSteel hanging wireCertificate of authenticity includedMade in the USA
Premium canvas substrate on hardboardHardwood framing with linen linerEngraved brass nameplateCertificate of authenticity included&text=Of all the holiday rituals, the one I prize the most is the coming together of loved ones in shared celebration. Even if our family circle is small, the Christmas season can become a benchmark of friendship; a time when we pause to savor traditions of comfort and joy. More InformationComprised of Thomas Kinkade's most sought after images, the Classics Collection is carefully reproduced on cotton fibre canvas using the methods and materials used by the artist on his original paintings. Elegantly framed with museum quality materials to coordinate with the most popular frame styles in the Thomas Kinkade Limited Edition canvas collection, each piece in the Classics Collection comes complete with a Certificate of Authenticity.Features Premium canvas substrate on hardboardHardwood framing with linen linerEngraved brass nameplateSteel hanging wireCertificate of authenticity includedMade in the USA
すべての休日の儀式の中で、私が最も大切にしているのは、愛する人たちが一堂に会してお祝いをすることです。たとえ家族の輪が狭くても、クリスマスシーズンは友情の基準になることがあります。詳細情報トーマス・キンケイドの最も人気のあるイメージで構成されたClassics Collectionは、コットンファイバーのキャンバスに、画家が原画で使用した方法と素材を使用して丁寧に再現されています。クラシックコレクションの各作品には、本物の証明書が付いています。特徴ハードボードにプレミアムキャンバス地、リネンライナー付きハードウッドフレーム、真鍮の銘板、スチール製の吊り下げワイヤー本物の証明書付きアメリカ製
・お届け時期: 2-4週間後
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