カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン スタッグス・リープ・ディストリクト Cabernet Sauvignon Stags Leap District
パーカーポイント: 90点 予想される飲み頃:1999 - 2017
The 1994 reveals that vintage's sweeter fruit, and harmonious personality. It has a dark ruby/purple color, followed by plenty of blackberry and blackcurrant-like fruit in the nose, complemented by some subtle toasty oak. The wine displays a richer, riper personality than the 1993, medium to full body, more layers of fruit, and finer integration of wood, tannin, and acidity. It is an impressively-endowed, outstanding, well-balanced Cabernet that admirably reflects its Stags Leap origin. Anticipated maturity: 1999-2017 (108, The Wine Advocate 20th Dec 1996)
Cabernet Sauvignon Stags Leap District
予想される飲み頃:1999 - 2017
The 1994 reveals that vintage's sweeter fruit, and harmonious personality. It has a dark ruby/purple color, followed by plenty of blackberry and blackcurrant-like fruit in the nose, complemented by some subtle toasty oak. The wine displays a richer, riper personality than the 1993, medium to full body, more layers of fruit, and finer integration of wood, tannin, and acidity. It is an impressively-endowed, outstanding, well-balanced Cabernet that admirably reflects its Stags Leap origin. Anticipated maturity: 1999-2017
(108, The Wine Advocate 20th Dec 1996)
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