【商品名】 レゴ 【2012年バージョン!】ヒーローファクトリー ロッカ 6202 Hero Factory Rocka 【カテゴリー】ホビー:ブロック 【商品説明】 Rocka! The sneaky villains have escaped from the Hero Factory and we need your help to bring them back. Use your specially equipped heat scope vision to locate them, recapture them using your crossbow and energy shield and then cuff them. We know the galaxy is safe when you’re around.
レゴ 【2012年バージョン!】ヒーローファクトリー ロッカ 6202 Hero Factory Rocka
Rocka! The sneaky villains have escaped from the Hero Factory and we need your help to bring them back. Use your specially equipped heat scope vision to locate them, recapture them using your crossbow and energy shield and then cuff them. We know the galaxy is safe when you’re around.
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