●メーカー名:ジーピーアール / G.P.R.●商品名:スリップオンエキゾーストシステム EU規格 キャタライザー付 | GU.31.GHI●メーカー品番:gpr_gu-31-ghi●JANコード:8053045072923 商品の保証は、メーカー保証書の内容に準じます。●備考 品番:GU.31.GHI EAN: 8053045072923 HOMOLOGATED SLIP-ON EXHAUST SYSTEM WITH CATALYST タイプ:GHISA 規格公認:キャタライザー EU公道走行許可 Homologated and catalyzed GHISA (BLACK) Slip-on kit with catalyst and double removable db killer (baffle) for racing use,it include specific link pipe, brackets, holder and fasteners, link pipe and silencer are stainless steel made (Aisi 304) with black ceramic coating for high warming resistance (only the muffler). Developed from GPR thanks to Moto GP and SBK races experiences, the system has a oval shape, Diam. 90x120mm, medium weight about 1,75 kg depending from motorbike of destination. GPR provide original homologation documents and instructions available as drawings or video or pictures books. If item is used in homologated configuration it doesnt require mapping, it is possible use panniers and central stand and sonda lambda boss is included when necessary. Available many sound file and pictures gallery,product is hand made in Italy, produced under European directives,it is street legal and it has 2 years of international warranty●ご注意 ※当商品は並行輸入品となります。 本国に在庫がある場合、通常3~4週間で日本に入荷します。お届けにお時間要しますので予めご了承下さい。 メーカー 車種 年式 型式・フレームNo. その他 モトグッツィSTELVIO 1200 8V2016モトグッツィSTELVIO 1200 8V2011モトグッツィSTELVIO 1200 8V2015モトグッツィSTELVIO 1200 8V2014モトグッツィSTELVIO 1200 8V2013モトグッツィSTELVIO 1200 8V2012※商品掲載時の適合情報です。年式が新しい車両については、必ずメーカーサイトにて適合をご確認ください。
EAN: 8053045072923
規格公認:キャタライザー EU公道走行許可
Homologated and catalyzed GHISA (BLACK) Slip-on kit with catalyst and double removable db killer (baffle) for racing use,it include specific link pipe, brackets, holder and fasteners, link pipe and silencer are stainless steel made (Aisi 304) with black ceramic coating for high warming resistance (only the muffler). Developed from GPR thanks to Moto GP and SBK races experiences, the system has a oval shape, Diam. 90x120mm, medium weight about 1,75 kg depending from motorbike of destination. GPR provide original homologation documents and instructions available as drawings or video or pictures books. If item is used in homologated configuration it doesnt require mapping, it is possible use panniers and central stand and sonda lambda boss is included when necessary. Available many sound file and pictures gallery,product is hand made in Italy, produced under European directives,it is street legal and it has 2 years of international warranty●ご注意
※当商品は並行輸入品となります。 本国に在庫がある場合、通常3~4週間で日本に入荷します。お届けにお時間要しますので予めご了承下さい。
モトグッツィSTELVIO 1200 8V2016モトグッツィSTELVIO 1200 8V2011モトグッツィSTELVIO 1200 8V2015モトグッツィSTELVIO 1200 8V2014モトグッツィSTELVIO 1200 8V2013モトグッツィSTELVIO 1200 8V2012※商品掲載時の適合情報です。年式が新しい車両については、必ずメーカーサイトにて適合をご確認ください。
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