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Yamato Scale digital calculation stand balance DP-5602C + BW-302 (extra-large model G) (weight: 2,000 kg)
Great weighting capacity カウンティングスケール DP-5602C series
※ Weight exceeds 10 kg or, in the case of a large-scale standard (the total of packing size length, the side, the height exceeds 130cm), the additional postage may be caused product packing.
Great weighting capacity カウンティングスケール DP-5602C series
●In the wide calculation range to 60 kg - 2,000 kg of weighting capacity, it is most suitable for the calculation work of large parts. ●By the adoption of "the lack amount indication function", the fixed-quantity work is efficiency up more, too. ●The high-precision calculation work of large parts is realized by a one-300,000th internal resolving power (weighting capacity 60 kg .150 kg .300 kg type). ●A full interface (factory option) in correspondence with wireless communication.
※ A photograph is an image photograph of the series representative.
●I weight 載台 BW-302 extra-large model (G): 2,000 kg, quantity of eyes: 1 kg
【Product description in English】
Yamato Scale digital calculation stand balance DP-5602C + BW-302 (extra-large model G) (weight: 2,000 kg)
Great weighting capacity カウンティングスケール DP-5602C series
※ Weight exceeds 10 kg or, in the case of a large-scale standard (the total of packing size length, the side, the height exceeds 130cm), the additional postage may be caused product packing.
Great weighting capacity カウンティングスケール DP-5602C series
●In the wide calculation range to 60 kg - 2,000 kg of weighting capacity, it is most suitable for the calculation work of large parts.
●By the adoption of "the lack amount indication function", the fixed-quantity work is efficiency up more, too.
●The high-precision calculation work of large parts is realized by a one-300,000th internal resolving power (weighting capacity 60 kg .150 kg .300 kg type).
●A full interface (factory option) in correspondence with wireless communication.
※ A photograph is an image photograph of the series representative.
●I weight 載台 BW-302 extra-large model (G): 2,000 kg, quantity of eyes: 1 kg
●Instructions DP-5602C in total
※ 重量が10kgを超過、もしくは商品梱包が大型規格(梱包サイズ 縦・横・高さの合計が130cmを超過)の場合、追加送料が発生する場合があります。
大秤量カウンティングスケール DP-5602Cシリーズ
※ 写真はシリーズ代表のイメージ写真です。
●載台 BW-302 特大型(G) 2,000kg
●指示計 DP-5602C
小型 (B)
大型 (F)
特大型 (G)
※ 付加機能をご希望の際は、注文時に「お支払い・配送方法」ページの「お客様ご要望記入欄」にご記載ください。
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