古来から権威の象徴とされてきた日本刀。厳選された鋼を幾重にも折り重ね鍛え上げた刃心は最高の切れ味と輝きを放ち魂が宿ると伝えられています。日本の和包丁とはまさに日本刀の流れを引き継いだ世界に誇れる芸術品でもあります。細部に渡る仕上げのクオリティーは上質な包Tを作り出す職人のプライドでもあり先代より脈々と受け継がれてきた伝承の技でもあります。世界に類をみない独自の形状を持つ和包丁は魚や野菜など異なった食材を切る為に生み出された刃物であり繊細な日本料理には欠かす事の出来ない包丁です。600年の歴史を持つ堺刃物の伝統を守り続ける堺孝行ブランドをぜひ一度お手にとり世界に誇れる匠の技に触れて頂く事をスタッフー同願っております。 Japanese swords have been a status symbol from ancient times. The core blade is forged by folding selected steel many times and features supreme sharpness and brilliance; it is has been said that the human soul dwells in the sword.Japanese knives are actually works of art descended from Japanese swords, and we proudly present them to the world. The quality of meticulous workmanship represents the pride of masters who create quality knives, and the quality is ensured by traditional skills that have been continuously inherited from their predecessors. Japanese knives have their own unprecedented shapes and are without parallel in the world as knives created for cutting different foods, including fishes and vegetables, and are vital for delicate apanese dishes. All of our staff members wish that you would pick up the Sakai Takayuki brand products which maintain the traditional skills of Sakai's Japanese knives and demonstrate the skills of world class masters.
Japanese swords have been a status symbol from ancient times. The core blade is forged by folding selected steel many times and features supreme sharpness and brilliance; it is has been said that the human soul dwells in the sword.Japanese knives are actually works of art descended from Japanese swords, and we proudly present them to the world. The quality of meticulous workmanship represents the pride of masters who create quality knives, and the quality is ensured by traditional skills that have been continuously inherited from their predecessors. Japanese knives have their own unprecedented shapes and are without parallel in the world as knives created for cutting different foods, including fishes and vegetables, and are vital for delicate apanese dishes. All of our staff members wish that you would pick up the Sakai Takayuki brand products which maintain the traditional skills of Sakai's Japanese knives and demonstrate the skills of world class masters.
厨房用品 › 料理道具 › 包丁・砥石・まな板 › 包丁 堺孝行●商品名:堺孝行 青二鋼 骨切(鱧切)包丁 33cm●刃渡:330mm●銘:堺孝行青二鋼●柄:水牛●包丁に使われる鋼の中では最高級といわれる安来の青二鋼を使用し、「甘切れ」する総火造りの和包丁です。
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