◆商品名:SNK 40th anniversary collection(輸入版:北米)- PS4 Modern Meets Retro! - The convenience and improvements of modern gaming are all in the collection! Rewind and save at any time while you’re playing, enjoy updated graphics at 1080p resolution, and experience redesigned control schemes for a modern feel! Enter the SNK Museum - An extensive history of SNK and its games await in the Museum Mode. Explore the legacy of one of Japan’s leading developers with high definition artwork and original promotional assets! Enjoy 24 classic retro games from the SNK collection! 商品の説明 The PlayStation 4 release of SNK 40th ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION includes the following games: Alpha Mission (Arcade and Console versions) Athena (Arcade and Console versions) Beast Busters (Arcade version) Bermuda Triangle (Arcade version) Chopper I (Arcade version) Crystalis (Console version) Fantasy (Arcade version) Guerrilla War (Arcade and Console versions) Ikari Warriors (Arcade and Console versions) Ikari Warriors II: Victory Road (Arcade and Console versions) Ikari III: The Rescue (Arcade and Console versions) Ozma Wars (Arcade version)Munch Mobile (Arcade version) Paddle Mania (Arcade version) P.O.W. (Arcade and Console versions) Prehistoric Isle (Arcade version) Psycho Soldier (Arcade version) Sasuke vs. Commander (Arcade version) Time Soldiers (Arcade version) TNK III (Arcade and Console versions) S.A.R.: Search and Rescue (Arcade version) Street Smart (Arcade version) Vanguard (Arcade Version) World Wars (Arcade Version) SNK 40th Anniversary Collectionの北米版
Modern Meets Retro! - The convenience and improvements of modern gaming are all in the collection! Rewind and save at any time while you’re playing, enjoy updated graphics at 1080p resolution, and experience redesigned control schemes for a modern feel!
Enter the SNK Museum - An extensive history of SNK and its games await in the Museum Mode. Explore the legacy of one of Japan’s leading developers with high definition artwork and original promotional assets!
Enjoy 24 classic retro games from the SNK collection!
商品の説明 The PlayStation 4 release of SNK 40th ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION includes the following games: Alpha Mission (Arcade and Console versions) Athena (Arcade and Console versions) Beast Busters (Arcade version) Bermuda Triangle (Arcade version) Chopper I (Arcade version) Crystalis (Console version) Fantasy (Arcade version) Guerrilla War (Arcade and Console versions) Ikari Warriors (Arcade and Console versions) Ikari Warriors II: Victory Road (Arcade and Console versions) Ikari III: The Rescue (Arcade and Console versions) Ozma Wars (Arcade version)Munch Mobile (Arcade version) Paddle Mania (Arcade version) P.O.W. (Arcade and Console versions) Prehistoric Isle (Arcade version) Psycho Soldier (Arcade version) Sasuke vs. Commander (Arcade version) Time Soldiers (Arcade version) TNK III (Arcade and Console versions) S.A.R.: Search and Rescue (Arcade version) Street Smart (Arcade version) Vanguard (Arcade Version) World Wars (Arcade Version) SNK 40th Anniversary Collectionの北米版
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