最前線のストーンブライアー SB-5174A 木製キャンドルランタン・ミディアム・ブラウン:アメリカーナ Americana
アメリカ発! お家周りの装飾品をおしゃれにグレードアップ。 アメリカの輸入雑貨は当店にお任せください! Stonebriar lanterns are the perfect way to add a comforting, inviting touch to your home. Our collection features artisan style craftsmanship, rich finishes, and bold colors. It will instantly add interest to any room.Our rustic wooden lantern is made with beautifully distressed and stained wood, clear glass, and a sturdy metal top, so you can enjoy your lantern indoors or outdoors.Lantern ring makes it easy to carry lantern from one place to the next. You can also easily hang lantern on a wall sconce hook or outdoors on a shepherd’s hook.Your rustic wooden lantern is the perfect size for a centerpiece at parties, weddings, and birthdays. You can also add your favorite aromatherapy candle to create a romantic and relaxing spa setting.The possibilities are endless!Buy your Stonebriar Rustic Wooden Lantern and create an instant classic in your home decor. 重さ:2.44 pounds おおよそのサイズ:6.5 x 6.5 x 11.02 inches
Stonebriar lanterns are the perfect way to add a comforting, inviting touch to your home. Our collection features artisan style craftsmanship, rich finishes, and bold colors. It will instantly add interest to any room.Our rustic wooden lantern is made with beautifully distressed and stained wood, clear glass, and a sturdy metal top, so you can enjoy your lantern indoors or outdoors.Lantern ring makes it easy to carry lantern from one place to the next. You can also easily hang lantern on a wall sconce hook or outdoors on a shepherd’s hook.Your rustic wooden lantern is the perfect size for a centerpiece at parties, weddings, and birthdays. You can also add your favorite aromatherapy candle to create a romantic and relaxing spa setting.The possibilities are endless!Buy your Stonebriar Rustic Wooden Lantern and create an instant classic in your home decor.
重さ:2.44 pounds
おおよそのサイズ:6.5 x 6.5 x 11.02 inches
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