ワインアドヴォケイト:98 ポイント Drink Date 2019 - 2044 Reviewed by Lisa Perrotti-Brown Issue Date 31st Aug 2019 Source Issue 244 End of August 2019, The Wine Advocate A warm to hot vintage ideal for producing outstanding reds does not necessarily make for a great Sauternes vintage, but in the case of 1990 it did. Dry, warm winds in the autumn contributed to the level of concentration that this wine exhibits. Fortunately, a little rain in late September and early October ensured that botrytis flourished well in the end, the final factor necessary to achieve this extraordinary expression.
Medium to deep golden colored, the 1990 d'Yquem opens with unabashed opulence, giving expressive notes of dried apricots, toffee, candied walnut, tree bark and sandalwood with nuances of preserved mandarin peel, lemongrass and fallen leaves. The palate is entering that stage where it still has bags of fruit and yet appears quite dry, with a lively line contributing jaw-dropping tension and finishing with epically long-lingering honey nut and earth-inspired notes. Pure. Hedonism. The multilayered intensity perhaps makes this appear a much bigger, sweeter Yquem than it is, and yet it possesses a relatively modest 12.7% alcohol and 126 grams per liter of residual sugar with 3.9 grams per liter of total acidity (H2SO4). Well into its ideal drinking window, there is no real rush to drink this beauty, as it should remain suspended at the heavenly plateau for another 25+ years.
CHATEAU D’YQUEM / シャトー・ディケム
生産地:フランス ボルドー ソーテルヌ&バルサック
格付:ソーテルヌ プルミエ グラン・クリュ・クラッセ (ソーテルヌ特級・第1級格付)
ぶどう品種:セミヨン80% ソーヴィニヨン・ブラン20%
味わい:白ワイン 甘口 貴腐ワイン
1994年に填詰めされたもの。1893年以来一番の豊作年。最新の試飲はイケムにて:明るい塊拍色がかった金色にオレンジ色のハイライト。甘く、リッチで、オレンジの花の芳香が徐々にカラメル風になる。中甘口。リッチな舌ざわりで、ナッツのような風味を持つ。★★★★★ 長命。
ヴィンテージ・ワイン必携 マイケル・ブロードベント著 柴田書店
ワインアドヴォケイト:98 ポイント
Drink Date 2019 - 2044 Reviewed by Lisa Perrotti-Brown Issue Date 31st Aug 2019 Source Issue 244 End of August 2019, The Wine Advocate
A warm to hot vintage ideal for producing outstanding reds does not necessarily make for a great Sauternes vintage, but in the case of 1990 it did. Dry, warm winds in the autumn contributed to the level of concentration that this wine exhibits. Fortunately, a little rain in late September and early October ensured that botrytis flourished well in the end, the final factor necessary to achieve this extraordinary expression.
Medium to deep golden colored, the 1990 d'Yquem opens with unabashed opulence, giving expressive notes of dried apricots, toffee, candied walnut, tree bark and sandalwood with nuances of preserved mandarin peel, lemongrass and fallen leaves. The palate is entering that stage where it still has bags of fruit and yet appears quite dry, with a lively line contributing jaw-dropping tension and finishing with epically long-lingering honey nut and earth-inspired notes. Pure. Hedonism. The multilayered intensity perhaps makes this appear a much bigger, sweeter Yquem than it is, and yet it possesses a relatively modest 12.7% alcohol and 126 grams per liter of residual sugar with 3.9 grams per liter of total acidity (H2SO4). Well into its ideal drinking window, there is no real rush to drink this beauty, as it should remain suspended at the heavenly plateau for another 25+ years.
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