In the case of dispatch, please refer for this product for order beforehand from a maker. [I buy a box and enter product / one 90] Five sets are this Ten sets are this
I can put 12mm 12mm in width *35m well and am hard to come off. Even if long time passes, it is hard to be yellowed. It is the transparence adhesive tape which it is easy to use. Scotch. ◆Wick diameter: 76mm ◆ tape thickness: 0.045mm ◆ number containing: シュリンクパック ten base material: A special polypropylene film, adhesive: A special rubber system adhesive, wick: Regenerated paper
【箱買い商品 / 一箱90入り】
In the case of dispatch, please refer for this product for order beforehand from a maker.
[I buy a box and enter product / one 90]
Five sets are this
Ten sets are this
I can put 12mm 12mm in width *35m well and am hard to come off. Even if long time passes, it is hard to be yellowed. It is the transparence adhesive tape which it is easy to use. Scotch. ◆Wick diameter: 76mm ◆ tape thickness: 0.045mm ◆ number containing: シュリンクパック ten base material: A special polypropylene film, adhesive: A special rubber system adhesive, wick: Regenerated paper
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