全商品オープニング価格!UNIT GARAGE ユニットガレージ High pipe in Titanium R nineT Pure R nineT Racer R nineT R nineT Urban G/S:ウェビック 店
■詳細説明 For the nineT we wanted a special pipe, but also perfect for road use! 1311 grams of Titanium welded by hand, in perfect moto gp style. It weighs about 3 kg lighter than the original and has a removable DB-Killer. It mounts easily in just a few minutes onto the passenger frame on the original anti-vibration grommet. If you want to remove the passenger frame and make the rear of the bike really aggressive, you’ll have to buy our support, code 1611 supp high . The sound will make you crazy,and the engine resposiveness ... as well! NB: Homologation report included. In order to offer you the best we constantly improve our product details. The images may refer to a previous version.■注意点 【JMCA未認証】 ※JMCA未認証のマフラーは車検・公道走行に適さない場合がございます。 ※海外輸入品のため、説明書が付属する場合、外国語の説明書となります。 ※輸入商材の為、商品によっては納期が遅れるケースがございます。あらかじめご了承ください。■適合車種 R nineT Pure R nineT Pure R nineT Racer R nineT Racer R nineT R nineT 備考: Roadster R nineT Urban G/S R nineT Urban G/S ■商品番号 1611HighTit+U021SX
For the nineT we wanted a special pipe, but also perfect for road use!
1311 grams of Titanium welded by hand, in perfect moto gp style.
It weighs about 3 kg lighter than the original and has a removable DB-Killer.
It mounts easily in just a few minutes onto the passenger frame on the original anti-vibration grommet.
If you want to remove the passenger frame and make the rear of the bike really aggressive,
you’ll have to buy our support, code 1611 supp high .
The sound will make you crazy,and the engine resposiveness ... as well!
NB: Homologation report included.
In order to offer you the best we constantly improve our product details. The images may refer to a previous version.■注意点
R nineT Pure
R nineT Pure
R nineT Racer
R nineT Racer
R nineT
R nineT
備考: Roadster
R nineT Urban G/S
R nineT Urban G/S ■商品番号
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