大好評サッシカイア 2005 Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia イタリア 赤ワイン|KATSUDA 勝田商店 銘醸ワイン専門
テヌータ サン グイド(サッシカイア) Tenuta San Guido(Sassicaia)
サッシカイア Sassicaia
パーカーポイント: 93点 予想される飲み頃:2017 - 2028 The 2005 Bolgheri Sassicaia is more of an extrovert and a fast-burner. It is a reflection of a warm vintage and a more pronounced stylistic signature in terms of its winemaking approach. The effect is very beautiful, indeed, with dried cherry, plum, spice, tobacco and grilled herb. Yet, the overall messaging is focused on power and volume. The background music is hard to hear. Despite its opulence, there's less dimension to behold. Brawn trumps finesse and dark fruit covers the ethereal aromas. It is well built, however, and should hold steady for the next ten years, if not more. (230, The Wine Advocate, 28th Apr 2017)
Tenuta San Guido(Sassicaia)
予想される飲み頃:2017 - 2028
The 2005 Bolgheri Sassicaia is more of an extrovert and a fast-burner. It is a reflection of a warm vintage and a more pronounced stylistic signature in terms of its winemaking approach. The effect is very beautiful, indeed, with dried cherry, plum, spice, tobacco and grilled herb. Yet, the overall messaging is focused on power and volume. The background music is hard to hear. Despite its opulence, there's less dimension to behold. Brawn trumps finesse and dark fruit covers the ethereal aromas. It is well built, however, and should hold steady for the next ten years, if not more.
(230, The Wine Advocate, 28th Apr 2017)
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