Add some glitz and glamour to your footwear collection with the sleek and fancy Anne Klein(R) Wylie sandals. Wedge heel sandals featuring textile upper with glittering bead embellishment on the vamp. Textile lining with brand name detailing. Open round toe silhouette. Buckle closure on the ankle strap. Textile and synthetic outsole. 実寸(参考値): Heel Height: 約 8.89 cm Weight: 約 260 g Platform Height: 約 2.8 cm Heel Height: 約 8.89 cm Weight: 約 260 g Platform Height: 約 2.8 cm ※掲載の寸法や重さはサイズ「9, width M」を計測したものです. サイズにより異なりますので、あくまで参考値として参照ください. Weight of footwear is based on a single item, not a pair. Measurements:Heel Height: 3.5 in;Weight: 約 260 g;Platform Height: 約 2.8 cm.
■サイズの幅(オプション)について Slim < Narrow < Medium < Wide < Extra Wide S < N < M < W A < B < C < D < E < EE(2E) < EEE(3E)
━ カタログ(英語)より抜粋 ━
Add some glitz and glamour to your footwear collection with the sleek and fancy Anne Klein(R) Wylie sandals.
Wedge heel sandals featuring textile upper with glittering bead embellishment on the vamp.
Textile lining with brand name detailing.
Open round toe silhouette.
Buckle closure on the ankle strap.
Textile and synthetic outsole.
Heel Height: 約 8.89 cm
Weight: 約 260 g
Platform Height: 約 2.8 cm
Heel Height: 約 8.89 cm
Weight: 約 260 g
Platform Height: 約 2.8 cm
※掲載の寸法や重さはサイズ「9, width M」を計測したものです. サイズにより異なりますので、あくまで参考値として参照ください.
Weight of footwear is based on a single item, not a pair.
Measurements:Heel Height: 3.5 in;Weight: 約 260 g;Platform Height: 約 2.8 cm.
Slim < Narrow < Medium < Wide < Extra Wide
S < N < M < W
A < B < C < D < E < EE(2E) < EEE(3E)
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