≪パーカーポイント 98+点!≫ 2019 Mouton Rothschild Rating:98+ Release Price:NA Drink Date:2035 - 2065 Reviewed by:William Kelley Issue Date:8th Apr 2022 Source:April 2022 Week 1, The Wine Advocate The 2019 Mouton Rothschild is the most dramatic of the Medoc first growths, soaring from the glass with aromas of cassis, blackberries and violets mingled with rich aromas of cedar, cigar wrapper, licorice, loamy soil and spices. Full-bodied, layered and multidimensional, it's deep and powerful, with huge levels of concentration and an ineffably complete, seamless profile, concluding with a long, resonant finish. Plenty of ripe tannin is hidden by its ample core of fruit, and despite its youthful polish, this will require plenty of bottle age to realize all its potential. This blend of 90% Cabernet Sauvignon, 9% Merlot and 1% Petit Verdot tastes in many respects like the 2016 Mouton's more sun-kissed cousin.
≪パーカーポイント 98+点!≫
2019 Mouton Rothschild
Release Price:NA
Drink Date:2035 - 2065
Reviewed by:William Kelley
Issue Date:8th Apr 2022
Source:April 2022 Week 1, The Wine Advocate
The 2019 Mouton Rothschild is the most dramatic of the Medoc first growths, soaring from the glass with aromas of cassis, blackberries and violets mingled with rich aromas of cedar, cigar wrapper, licorice, loamy soil and spices. Full-bodied, layered and multidimensional, it's deep and powerful, with huge levels of concentration and an ineffably complete, seamless profile, concluding with a long, resonant finish. Plenty of ripe tannin is hidden by its ample core of fruit, and despite its youthful polish, this will require plenty of bottle age to realize all its potential. This blend of 90% Cabernet Sauvignon, 9% Merlot and 1% Petit Verdot tastes in many respects like the 2016 Mouton's more sun-kissed cousin.
■お取寄せ ボルドー ペサック レオニャン ル クラランス ド オーブリオン [2019] ≪ 赤ワイン ボルドーワイン 高級 ≫|オンライン WASSY’S
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