愛用Château Talbot 1959 / シャトー タルボ 1959|Fine and Rare
Ch・・teau Talbot 1959 / シャトー タルボ 1959
Chateau Talbot takes its name from John Tallbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an English commander who was defeated at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. With its vintage-independent stability and modest price, it has earned a strong following among longtime Bordeaux fans. With its gorgeous berry and herb aromas, ripe fruit flavors, and firm structure, this chateau is recommended for those who prefer a classic Bordeaux style. Score : 92/100 75cl
Ch・・teau Talbot 1959 / シャトー タルボ 1959
Chateau Talbot takes its name from John Tallbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an English commander who was defeated at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. With its vintage-independent stability and modest price, it has earned a strong following among longtime Bordeaux fans. With its gorgeous berry and herb aromas, ripe fruit flavors, and firm structure, this chateau is recommended for those who prefer a classic Bordeaux style.
5Score : 92/100
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