From Alter. From Sword Art Online Alicization, Asuna as she appears in her gun and steel VRMMO Gungale Online (GGO) costume, is brought to life with this figure! She has a powerful pose, generous smile, and weapon. Her hair flutters according to the movement of the upper body and the coat, and the thickness of her streamlined armor seems to be soft. The blade of "Photon Sword" is a clear part, and the detailed details of the pattern have been reproduced. This 1/7-scale figure stands 10 1/4" tall.
From Alter. From Sword Art Online Alicization, Asuna as she appears in her gun and steel VRMMO Gungale Online (GGO) costume, is brought to life with this figure! She has a powerful pose, generous smile, and weapon. Her hair flutters according to the movement of the upper body and the coat, and the thickness of her streamlined armor seems to be soft. The blade of "Photon Sword" is a clear part, and the detailed details of the pattern have been reproduced. This 1/7-scale figure stands 10 1/4" tall.
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