PLAYMOBIL Back to the Future Part II Hoverboard Chase with Marty McFly, Dr. Emmett Brown, Griff Tannen and Policewoman from the iconic hoverboard scene 1 platform with pond, path and street light, 2 hoverboards with foot clamp, 2 transparent bases, 1 postcard, 2 supplementary parts for 70317 DeLorean Playset for children ages 6+: Fits perfectly in children's hands due to age-appropriate size pieces, Easy to hold thanks to its rounded edges Everyday use: instructions for assembly (with parents), High quality and robust design, To clean the parts (not including stickers), place pieces under running water containing no chemical agents Contents: 1x PLAYMOBIL Back to the Future Part II Hoverboard Chase, 80-piece play figure set with instructions: 1 base plate, 4 figures, 1 motorbike, 74 accessories, Material: plastic, L
PLAYMOBIL Back to the Future Part II Hoverboard Chase with Marty McFly, Dr. Emmett Brown, Griff Tannen and Policewoman from the iconic hoverboard scene 1 platform with pond, path and street light, 2 hoverboards with foot clamp, 2 transparent bases, 1 postcard, 2 supplementary parts for 70317 DeLorean Playset for children ages 6+: Fits perfectly in children's hands due to age-appropriate size pieces, Easy to hold thanks to its rounded edges Everyday use: instructions for assembly (with parents), High quality and robust design, To clean the parts (not including stickers), place pieces under running water containing no chemical agents Contents: 1x PLAYMOBIL Back to the Future Part II Hoverboard Chase, 80-piece play figure set with instructions: 1 base plate, 4 figures, 1 motorbike, 74 accessories, Material: plastic, L
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