パーカーポイント: (93 - 95)点 予想される飲み頃:2023 - 2045 The 2016 Clos St Denis Grand Cru has a little more whole bunch than the Clos de la Roche at 30%, matured in three one-year-old barrels. It has a more harmonious and fragrant bouquet than the aforementioned grand cru: red berries, kirsch, hints of Seville orange marmalade and fresh dates. The palate is medium-bodied with sweet, ripe tannin, well-judged acidity, red fruit at first merging with black fruit leading to quite a structured but not imposing finish. It will deserve several years in bottle but it will be worth the wait. (234, The Wine Advocate, 30th Dec 2017)
Clos Saint Denis
予想される飲み頃:2023 - 2045
The 2016 Clos St Denis Grand Cru has a little more whole bunch than the Clos de la Roche at 30%, matured in three one-year-old barrels. It has a more harmonious and fragrant bouquet than the aforementioned grand cru: red berries, kirsch, hints of Seville orange marmalade and fresh dates. The palate is medium-bodied with sweet, ripe tannin, well-judged acidity, red fruit at first merging with black fruit leading to quite a structured but not imposing finish. It will deserve several years in bottle but it will be worth the wait.
(234, The Wine Advocate, 30th Dec 2017)
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