驚きの低価格でル プティ シュヴァル ブラン 2018 シャトー シュヴァル ブラン Chateau Cheval Blanc Le Petit Cheval Blanc フランス ボルドー 白ワイン|KATSUDA 勝田商店 銘醸ワイン専門
Le Petit Cheval Blanc 2018 熟したパイナップル、パッションフルーツ、白桃がグラスから溢れ、レモングラス、ライムの花、ゆずの皮、海のしぶきの芳醇なノートが続きます。味わいはフルボディで、最後にミネラルが溢れる余韻があります。
シャトー シュヴァル ブラン Chateau Cheval Blanc
ル プティ シュヴァル ブラン Le Petit Cheval Blanc
パーカーポイント: 95点 予想される飲み頃:2022 - 2032 Cheval Blanc's relatively new white wine, the 2018 Le Petit Cheval Blanc, is a blend of 74% Sauvignon Blanc and 26% Sémillon. This is the first vintage that the Sémillon plantings have come online to make the blend. Profound notions of ripe pineapple, passion fruit and white peaches explode from the glass, followed by fragrant notes of lemongrass, lime blossoms and yuzu zest with a waft of sea spray. The palate is full-bodied with an alluring oiliness to the texture and layer upon layer of tropical fruits, citrus peel and minerals, marked by a refreshing line and finishing with loads of mineral sparks. Put aside all your preconceptions of "Bordeaux Blanc" and don't even try to compare it to Pessac-Leognan. This has its own gorgeous expression of these grapes, defying regional tradition. Give yourself over to the rich decadence of this flamboyant white that is at once without peers, but is also quintessentially Cheval Blanc. (End of March 2021, The Wine Advocate, 1st Apr 2021)
Le Petit Cheval Blanc 2018
Chateau Cheval Blanc
Le Petit Cheval Blanc
予想される飲み頃:2022 - 2032
Cheval Blanc's relatively new white wine, the 2018 Le Petit Cheval Blanc, is a blend of 74% Sauvignon Blanc and 26% Sémillon. This is the first vintage that the Sémillon plantings have come online to make the blend. Profound notions of ripe pineapple, passion fruit and white peaches explode from the glass, followed by fragrant notes of lemongrass, lime blossoms and yuzu zest with a waft of sea spray. The palate is full-bodied with an alluring oiliness to the texture and layer upon layer of tropical fruits, citrus peel and minerals, marked by a refreshing line and finishing with loads of mineral sparks. Put aside all your preconceptions of "Bordeaux Blanc" and don't even try to compare it to Pessac-Leognan. This has its own gorgeous expression of these grapes, defying regional tradition. Give yourself over to the rich decadence of this flamboyant white that is at once without peers, but is also quintessentially Cheval Blanc.
(End of March 2021, The Wine Advocate, 1st Apr 2021)
シャトー シュヴァル ブラン
Chateau Cheval Blanc
シャトー シュヴァル ブラン 一覧へ
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