LAST TASTED 2/93 NOTE: No Reserve was produced in this vintage. An earthy, decaying underbrush, compost-like nose gives evidence of the rain that plagued this vintage. The wine possesses a garnet/rust color. The overall impression is one of ripeness, softness, medium body, and a smooth finish. Although not complex, the wine is intact and alive. (94, The Wine Advocate 23rd Aug 1994)
Robert Mondavi
Cabernet Sauvignon
LAST TASTED 2/93 NOTE: No Reserve was produced in this vintage. An earthy, decaying underbrush, compost-like nose gives evidence of the rain that plagued this vintage. The wine possesses a garnet/rust color. The overall impression is one of ripeness, softness, medium body, and a smooth finish. Although not complex, the wine is intact and alive.
(94, The Wine Advocate 23rd Aug 1994)
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