≪パーカーポイント 100点!≫ 2006 M. Chapoutier ? Ermitage les Greffieux Rating:100 Release Price:NA Drink Date:NA Reviewed by:Jeb Dunnuck Issue Date:28th Aug 2014 Source:214, The Wine Advocate An incredible wine that tops out on my scale, the 2006 Ermitage Les Greffieux is massively concentrated and rich, with incredible aromas and flavors of black fruits, roasted herbs, tar, licorice and beef blood. Without a doubt the most concentrated, powerful wine in the lineup, it has the fruit and texture to make your eyes roll back in your head, but has the depth, concentration and structure to evolve for decades. From hot, dry year, I’ve no idea what makes this vintage so special here, but this incredible effort possesses a singular, unique profile, and is off-the-charts. Don’t miss it!
≪パーカーポイント 100点!≫
2006 M. Chapoutier ? Ermitage les Greffieux
Release Price:NA
Drink Date:NA
Reviewed by:Jeb Dunnuck
Issue Date:28th Aug 2014
Source:214, The Wine Advocate
An incredible wine that tops out on my scale, the 2006 Ermitage Les Greffieux is massively concentrated and rich, with incredible aromas and flavors of black fruits, roasted herbs, tar, licorice and beef blood. Without a doubt the most concentrated, powerful wine in the lineup, it has the fruit and texture to make your eyes roll back in your head, but has the depth, concentration and structure to evolve for decades. From hot, dry year, I’ve no idea what makes this vintage so special here, but this incredible effort possesses a singular, unique profile, and is off-the-charts. Don’t miss it!
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