パーカーポイント: 92点 予想される飲み頃:2015 - 2025 The 1970 Château Haut-Brion is a First Growth that has probably been over-shadowed by the Latour 1970 during its lifetime. However, this bottle proves that it is not to be underestimated; it highlights the glaring gap that exists between itself and another First Growth, the 1970 Château Margaux that I tasted alongside. There is plenty of vigor on the nose with dashing red berry fruit, cedar and black olive - just very Haut-Brion.The palate is medium-bodied, well balanced and fresh, nothing over-ambitious, just a Claret in the traditional sense of the word that gently builds towards a sous-bois dominated finish. This is an excellent showing, stout and a little austere, and you could argue an Haut-Brion with its peak in its wing-mirrors. Yet good bottles such as this will continue to offer pleasure for another decade. Tasted June 2015. (Interim End of July 2016, The Wine Advocate 29th Jul 2016)
Château Lafite-Rothschild 1998/シャトー・ラフィット・ロートシルト 1998|Fine and Rare
シャトー・ラフィット・ロートシルト[1978]年・メドック・プルミエ・グラン・クリュ・クラッセ格付第一級・AOCポイヤックChateau Lafite Rothschild [1978] AOC Pauillac 1er Grand Cru Classe du Medoc en 1855 【◆】|うきうきワインの玉手箱
Chateau Haut-Brion
予想される飲み頃:2015 - 2025
The 1970 Château Haut-Brion is a First Growth that has probably been over-shadowed by the Latour 1970 during its lifetime. However, this bottle proves that it is not to be underestimated; it highlights the glaring gap that exists between itself and another First Growth, the 1970 Château Margaux that I tasted alongside. There is plenty of vigor on the nose with dashing red berry fruit, cedar and black olive - just very Haut-Brion.The palate is medium-bodied, well balanced and fresh, nothing over-ambitious, just a Claret in the traditional sense of the word that gently builds towards a sous-bois dominated finish. This is an excellent showing, stout and a little austere, and you could argue an Haut-Brion with its peak in its wing-mirrors. Yet good bottles such as this will continue to offer pleasure for another decade. Tasted June 2015.
(Interim End of July 2016, The Wine Advocate 29th Jul 2016)
シャトー オー ブリオン
Chateau Haut-Brion
シャトー オー ブリオン 一覧へ
オリヴィエ バーンスタイン マジ シャンベルタン グラン クリュ 2010 Olivier Bernstein Mazis Chambertin フランス ブルゴーニュ 赤ワイン|ロマネ ROMANEE
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Château Lafite-Rothschild 1998/シャトー・ラフィット・ロートシルト 1998|Fine and Rare
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【BOX】ペンフォールズ・ビン 707 カベルネ・ソーウ゛ィニヨン 箱入 2018|東京ワインガーデン