ファッションなデザインPuig Z-Racing Screen Blue | 21715A:ワンダーテック

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YZF-R125 (2023-2024)

Article No: 21715A
EAN: 8435529354631

Provide your motorcycle with the sport character you have always looked for with the racing screen from Puig.

The Z-RACING line is based on balancing an agressive stance in accordance to your motorcycle while keeping comfort and functionality for the rider.

The Z-Racing screens are designed to be more aerodynamically efficient than their stock ones they are fully tested in the virtual wind tunnel to garantee improvements in the aerodinamic coeficient (Cx) and the aerodynamic protection to the rider. Thanks to its doble height they deflect the wind that would otherwise hit the helmet and top area of the torso. In the meantime the side channels pick up air flow and send it sideways with the objective of reducing air pressure from the rider’s shoulders.

The aerodinamic protection improvement is of 127% (on average with the upper body up) versus the original model and of 61% in the “racing” position.

Designed and manufactured in Barcelona with the most advanced technologies with high impact acrylic of 3mm. We come up with a very strong piece light durable and with a rounded edge of 2mm (accomplishing the safety control from the German T?V). The artificial vision system utilized during the quality control process guarantee that the screens will get to the client in perfect shape.

The Z-Racing screens are available in a wide range of colors to personalize your motorcycle to your taste.

Instalation of the screen doesn’t require aditional parts like trims and every screen comes with an in depth aerodynamic study that indicates the improvement in performance as well as the protection to the rider.

Check if the part number is homologated by the German KBA and if it is already included in the homologation in the DOCUMENTS section.


YAMAHA YZF-R125 (2023 2024)
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残り 1 16,350円

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