■商品概要 【メーカー品番】BH198RCIN Color:Clear Height (mm):43■詳細説明 Our selection of made in France VPARTS windshields are especially developed for Maxi-scooter / scooter to provide you with both style and protection. No doubt you will be seduced by their durability and solidity.These high quality windshields are designed to last: 4 to 6 mm dthick depending on the model, they are handmade and available in two colours: Dark smoked or Transparent clear.The affordable and durable choice.The racing declination is the most radical of all. Minimalist, light and elegant, it will reveal all the sportiness of your two-wheeler and improve its aerodynamic performance. This version is the choice of design and performance.?These winshields are delivered with their fixing kit and assembly instructions.■注意点 ※輸入品のため、説明書が付属する場合、外国語の説明書となります。 ※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。 ※画像はイメージです。■適合車種 X-ADV 750 DCT ABS X-ADV 750 DCT ABS 年式: 21 備考: (RC95)■商品番号 1109798001
V PARTS ブイパーツ レーシング ウィンドシールド クリア Honda 750 X-ADV X-ADV 750 DCT ABS:ウェビック 店
Height (mm):43■詳細説明
Our selection of made in France VPARTS windshields are especially developed for Maxi-scooter / scooter to provide you with both style and protection. No doubt you will be seduced by their durability and solidity.These high quality windshields are designed to last: 4 to 6 mm dthick depending on the model, they are handmade and available in two colours: Dark smoked or Transparent clear.The affordable and durable choice.The racing declination is the most radical of all. Minimalist, light and elegant, it will reveal all the sportiness of your two-wheeler and improve its aerodynamic performance. This version is the choice of design and performance.?These winshields are delivered with their fixing kit and assembly instructions.■注意点
X-ADV 750 DCT ABS 年式: 21
備考: (RC95)■商品番号
V PARTS ブイパーツ レーシング ウィンドシールド クリア Honda 750 X-ADV X-ADV 750 DCT ABS:ウェビック 店
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