How to order in shopping cart立体枠で目を引きます。プクッとした枠デザインがかわいい、抜き型カード。プライス表示やコメントPOPなどに。記入しやすい方眼アミ目入です。 ●規格:大 吹き出し ●色:ブルー ●外形寸法:縦90×横125mm ●材質:アイボリー紙(260g/) ●入数:50枚 ●アミ目:5×5mm
I get a lot of looks in a three-dimensional frame. The omission model card which プクッ and the frame design which I did have a cute. For price indication or comment POP. I do it with the squares net eyes case which it is easy to fill in. ●A standard: Large balloon ●A color: Blue ●External form dimensions: 90* vertical 125mm in width ●Materials: Ivory (260g/) ●入数: 50 pieces ●Net eyes: 5*5mm
●規格:大 吹き出し
I get a lot of looks in a three-dimensional frame. The omission model card which プクッ and the frame design which I did have a cute. For price indication or comment POP. I do it with the squares net eyes case which it is easy to fill in.
●A standard: Large balloon
●A color: Blue
●External form dimensions: 90* vertical 125mm in width
●Materials: Ivory (260g/)
●入数: 50 pieces
●Net eyes: 5*5mm
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