パーカーポイント: 92点 予想される飲み頃:2025 - 2050 While my tasting at the domaine was postponed by France's second COVID-19 lockdown, I sacrificed a bottle from my cellar to take a first look at Rapha?l Coche's 2018 Meursault Village. The wine is very promising indeed, unwinding in the glass with aromas of struck match, crisp orchard fruit and citrus oil, complemented by subtle hints of praline and sesame. Medium to full-bodied, with impressive cut and tension in this often rather open-knit vintage, it's elegantly textural and nicely concentrated, with tangy acids and a youthfully chalky finish. Expect it to put on weight with some time in bottle. I'm looking forward to getting acquainted with the rest of the 2018 Coche-Dury portfolio in the near future. (January 2021 Week 2, The Wine Advocate, 15th Jan 2021)
Coche Dury
予想される飲み頃:2025 - 2050
While my tasting at the domaine was postponed by France's second COVID-19 lockdown, I sacrificed a bottle from my cellar to take a first look at Rapha?l Coche's 2018 Meursault Village. The wine is very promising indeed, unwinding in the glass with aromas of struck match, crisp orchard fruit and citrus oil, complemented by subtle hints of praline and sesame. Medium to full-bodied, with impressive cut and tension in this often rather open-knit vintage, it's elegantly textural and nicely concentrated, with tangy acids and a youthfully chalky finish. Expect it to put on weight with some time in bottle. I'm looking forward to getting acquainted with the rest of the 2018 Coche-Dury portfolio in the near future.
(January 2021 Week 2, The Wine Advocate, 15th Jan 2021)
コシュ デュリ
Coche Dury
ジャン・フランソワの慎重で厳格な管理のもと、6つのアペラシオン(ムルソー、ピュリニー・モンラッシェ、オクセー デュレス、モンテリー、ヴォルネイ)に広がる9haの極小区画の畑で、世界的に有名なワインが造られるようになったのです。
コシュ デュリ一覧へ
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