Ripe, supple and velvety, impressive for the purity of its plum, currant and spice flavors that spill out of a generous frame. The flavors are in sharp relief, but the texture remains warm and inviting, folding its tannins into a gentle blanket. Lovely now. Best after 2000. 1,700 cases made. (Wine Spectator Issue May 15, 1998)
Beaux Freres
Pinot Noir Beaux Freres Vineyard
Ripe, supple and velvety, impressive for the purity of its plum, currant and spice flavors that spill out of a generous frame. The flavors are in sharp relief, but the texture remains warm and inviting, folding its tannins into a gentle blanket. Lovely now. Best after 2000. 1,700 cases made.
(Wine Spectator Issue May 15, 1998)
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グレイス・ファミリーカベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン 2003|Alcoholic Armadillo
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