品揃え豊富でMivv GP PRO TITANIUM SLIP-ON Standard | S.059.L6P:ワンダーテック
Article Number : S.059.L6P EAN : 8051012037197 Designed to improve the aestethics sound and performance of the bike Mivv slip-on exhausts are the result of maximum attention to design with the aim of satisfying those who want to distinguish themselves by the look of their motorbikes. GP PRO manufactured by semi-handmade TIG welding shows a compact and essential design and an aggressive sound. Inspired by the world of competition the exhaust pipe is equipped with a removable protective grille that hides the dB-killer. This muffler sports the characteristic Mivv logo created by laser technology. It features a titanium central body with a “pearled” effect obtained with a special finishing process. It is the ideal exhaust for those who want an exclusive product. Designed to improve the aestethics sound and performance of the bike Mivv slip-on exhausts are the result of maximum attention to design with the aim of satisfying those who want to distinguish themselves by the look of their motorbikes. GP PRO manufactured by semi-handmade TIG welding shows a compact and essential design and an aggressive sound. Inspired by the world of competition the exhaust pipe is equipped with a removable protective grille that hides the dB-killer. This muffler sports the characteristic Mivv logo created by laser technology. It features a titanium central body with a “pearled” effect obtained with a special finishing process. It is the ideal exhaust for those who want an exclusive product.
EAN : 8051012037197
Designed to improve the aestethics sound and performance of the bike Mivv slip-on exhausts are the result of maximum attention to design with the aim of satisfying those who want to distinguish themselves by the look of their motorbikes.
GP PRO manufactured by semi-handmade TIG welding shows a compact and essential design and an aggressive sound. Inspired by the world of competition the exhaust pipe is equipped with a removable protective grille that hides the dB-killer. This muffler sports the characteristic Mivv logo created by laser technology.
It features a titanium central body with a “pearled” effect obtained with a special finishing process. It is the ideal exhaust for those who want an exclusive product.
Designed to improve the aestethics sound and performance of the bike Mivv slip-on exhausts are the result of maximum attention to design with the aim of satisfying those who want to distinguish themselves by the look of their motorbikes.
GP PRO manufactured by semi-handmade TIG welding shows a compact and essential design and an aggressive sound. Inspired by the world of competition the exhaust pipe is equipped with a removable protective grille that hides the dB-killer. This muffler sports the characteristic Mivv logo created by laser technology.
It features a titanium central body with a “pearled” effect obtained with a special finishing process. It is the ideal exhaust for those who want an exclusive product.
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