≪パーカーポイント 98点!≫ 2007 Domaine de Cristia Chateauneuf du Pape Vieilles Vignes
WA Tasting Notes RP 98 Reviewed by:Jeb Dunnuck Release Price:$83 Drink Date:2015 - 2035 The greatest wine from this estate to date is unquestionably their 2007 Chateauneuf du Pape Vieilles Vignes. Made from 100% old-vine Grenache that was brought up in a combination of different sized barrels, some of which were new, it offers an incredible bouquet of black raspberries, caramelized cherries, violets, garrigue and lavender. Full-bodied, massively concentrated, voluptuous and decadent, yet always light on its feet, pure and elegant, this is a profound example of old-vine Grenache that should make any Southern Rhone-lover's eyes roll back in their head. It's still an infant and will drink nicely for another 15-20 years.
2007 Domaine de Cristia Chateauneuf du Pape Vieilles Vignes
WA Tasting Notes
RP 98
Reviewed by:Jeb Dunnuck
Release Price:$83
Drink Date:2015 - 2035
The greatest wine from this estate to date is unquestionably their 2007 Chateauneuf du Pape Vieilles Vignes. Made from 100% old-vine Grenache that was brought up in a combination of different sized barrels, some of which were new, it offers an incredible bouquet of black raspberries, caramelized cherries, violets, garrigue and lavender. Full-bodied, massively concentrated, voluptuous and decadent, yet always light on its feet, pure and elegant, this is a profound example of old-vine Grenache that should make any Southern Rhone-lover's eyes roll back in their head. It's still an infant and will drink nicely for another 15-20 years.
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