Sealed gold-contact Greyhill frequency select switches
Hi-current drive <50 Ohm LO-Z XLR & 1/4" outputs
Balanced Transformer Coupled XLR Outputs
Flat frequency response from 10Hz-70KHz
<0.01% THD @ 1Khz
S/N Ratio: 116 dB
Adjustable FEEDBACK / GAIN: Unity ±5 dB
Max. output: +30 dBv
Power consumption: 18 watts
Operating mains voltage: Units are purpose built for original destination country's mains voltage: 100V, 120V, or 220-240VAC as indicated on the serial number badge. Power transformer must be replaced in order to change mains operating voltage. 120VAC units may NOT be rewired to put the primaries of the power transformer in series for 220-240V operation or a large radiated field of hum will develop. If changing locations/voltages, the power transformer must be replaced with the dedicated one for the voltage at which it will operate.
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