ワインアドヴォケイト:91 ポイント Rating 91 Release Price NA Drink Date 2020 - 2032 Reviewed by Stephan Reinhardt Issue Date 29th Feb 2020 Source Issue 247 End of February 2020, The Wine Advocate Pure and super fine on the intense and elegant nose, the 2018 Pinot Noir "Tradition" is a first herald of the great 2018 vintage in Graub?nden. It is sweet and intense yet fine and elegant on the palate, with remarkable freshness, purity and mineral foundation. This is a serious and persistent wine with a long, long finish. Dress yourself warm enough, because this is only the beginning of Martin Donatsch's Pinot world. 13% alcohol. Tasted in Zurich in December 2019.
I have been waiting with great excitement to taste Martin Donatsch's red 2018s, which I pre-tasted from the barrels a year ago when his father, Swiss icon producer and DRC collector Thomas, drew parallels with the phenomenal 1947 vintage. The whites have already been bottled and, as always, will be hard to find due to the exceptionally high demand. However, the Pinots, except for the "Tradition," were still waiting to be bottled in January this year when Martin sent me two barrel samples of each of his other 2018 Pinots: Passion and Unique, a filtered and an unfiltered version. Only the filtered version will be on the market, but I didn't want to wait with my tasting until after the bottling, because then I would have to wait some months until the bottle shock would be over. So, my scores can only be estimations, whereas there is no doubt about the outstanding quality of the 2018s. They combine perfect ripeness and intensity with finesse and freshness and will age for a very long time.
Donatsch, whom I haven't visited since November 2018, also sent his newest Privee, a selection of the two finest barrels from the 2015 vintage. Some bottles of this great Pinot Noir will be sold through an auction in May this year, whereas the rest will only be available in the family restaurant, "Zum Ochsen," which its always worth a trip for numerous reasons. It's here where Thomas Donatsch will explain why he has such a great passion for the indigenous (white) Malanserrebe, a.k.a. Completer. (The 2018, by the way, is exceptional!) It's also here where all the top chefs from Switzerland come to pick up their allocation, because the Donatsches never deliver their wines. If you want to buy them, you have to pick up the wines yourself in Malans. The Donatsches like to have you there, and believe me, you should never decline their invitation. Their wine library is spectacular, and if the chemistry is right, you'll wish to stay there forever.
Recently, Donatsch wines have finally become available in the US-but certainly with lower quantities than in Switzerland.
その後ベルナール・ノブレ仕込みのブルゴーニュ醸造技術を武器に、最高峰ブルゴーニュであるDRCを越える挑戦がスタートします。 最高峰のラ・ターシュを眠らせてきたDRC秘蔵の木樽を受け継いだ ドナッチュは、当初のスイスでは異例の醸造方法でベルナール・ノブレの教えを貫きました。挑戦を繰り返した結果、様々なワイン誌や世界的なワイン評論家ロバート・パーカからも高評価を獲得。
2016年にはデキャンター誌にて「2016 Best Pinot Noir」に選出され世界最高峰の一角の仲間入りを果たしました。
ヴァイングート・ドナッチュ トラディション ピノ・ノワール
生産地:スイス グラウビュンデン州 マランス
原産地呼称:Malans, AOC Graubunden
ぶどう品種:ピノ・ノワール 100%
味わい:赤ワイン 辛口 ミディアムボディ
ワインアドヴォケイト:91 ポイント
Rating 91 Release Price NA Drink Date 2020 - 2032 Reviewed by Stephan Reinhardt Issue Date 29th Feb 2020 Source Issue 247 End of February 2020, The Wine Advocate
Pure and super fine on the intense and elegant nose, the 2018 Pinot Noir "Tradition" is a first herald of the great 2018 vintage in Graub?nden. It is sweet and intense yet fine and elegant on the palate, with remarkable freshness, purity and mineral foundation. This is a serious and persistent wine with a long, long finish. Dress yourself warm enough, because this is only the beginning of Martin Donatsch's Pinot world. 13% alcohol. Tasted in Zurich in December 2019.
I have been waiting with great excitement to taste Martin Donatsch's red 2018s, which I pre-tasted from the barrels a year ago when his father, Swiss icon producer and DRC collector Thomas, drew parallels with the phenomenal 1947 vintage. The whites have already been bottled and, as always, will be hard to find due to the exceptionally high demand. However, the Pinots, except for the "Tradition," were still waiting to be bottled in January this year when Martin sent me two barrel samples of each of his other 2018 Pinots: Passion and Unique, a filtered and an unfiltered version. Only the filtered version will be on the market, but I didn't want to wait with my tasting until after the bottling, because then I would have to wait some months until the bottle shock would be over. So, my scores can only be estimations, whereas there is no doubt about the outstanding quality of the 2018s. They combine perfect ripeness and intensity with finesse and freshness and will age for a very long time.
Donatsch, whom I haven't visited since November 2018, also sent his newest Privee, a selection of the two finest barrels from the 2015 vintage. Some bottles of this great Pinot Noir will be sold through an auction in May this year, whereas the rest will only be available in the family restaurant, "Zum Ochsen," which its always worth a trip for numerous reasons. It's here where Thomas Donatsch will explain why he has such a great passion for the indigenous (white) Malanserrebe, a.k.a. Completer. (The 2018, by the way, is exceptional!) It's also here where all the top chefs from Switzerland come to pick up their allocation, because the Donatsches never deliver their wines. If you want to buy them, you have to pick up the wines yourself in Malans. The Donatsches like to have you there, and believe me, you should never decline their invitation. Their wine library is spectacular, and if the chemistry is right, you'll wish to stay there forever.
Recently, Donatsch wines have finally become available in the US-but certainly with lower quantities than in Switzerland.
【6本~送料無料】11月24日(金)以降発送予定 ペレラーダ アイレス デ ガルベ 2017 赤ワイン ガルナッチャ スペイン 750ml|トスカニー イタリアワイン専門店
ローネイ・オリオ ポマール [2020]750ml|ウメムラ Wine Cellar
フランシス フォード コッポラ エレノア レッド ワイン カリフォルニア 750ml [WIS アメリカ カリフォルニア 赤ワイン 辛口 フルボディ FCE4B13]|リカータイム2号店 店
[2019] シャトー ディッサン 750ml (マルゴ−第3級 ボルドー フランス)赤ワイン コク辛口 ワイン ^ADDS0119^|ヴェリタス~輸入直販ワイン専門店
【送料無料】【正規品】アンリ・フェッシ・ブルイィ 750ml×3本セット ケース販売 フランスワイン/ブルゴーニュ/ボージョレー/赤ワイン/中口/ミディアムボディ【まとめ買い】【ケース売り】【業務用】【アサヒビール】|ヒグチワイン Higuchi Wine
[2015] Volnayヴォルネイ【 Dominique Lafon ドミニク・ラフォン 】|アサヒヤワインセラー
シャトーヌフ デュ パプ ハベムス パパム [2012] (ドメーヌ サンタ デュック) Chateauneuf du Pape Habemus Papam [2012] (Domaine Santa Duc) フランス コート デュ ローヌ 赤 フルボディ 750ml|Donguriano Wine
[3本まとめ買い] ピノ・ノワール スブソルム 2016年 クロ・デ・フ チリ 赤ワイン ミディアムボディ チリワイン チリ赤ワイン ピノ ノワール 750ml|Narlu
ドメーヌ・アルヌー・ラショー ニュイ・サン・ジョルジュ レ・ポワゼ [2013]750ml|ウメムラ Wine Cellar
送料無料 ニュイ サン ジョルジュ レ シャリオ 2019ドメーヌ ミッシェル グロ 750ml ミシェル グロ フランス ブルゴーニュ ピノノワール お歳暮 御歳暮 クリスマス ギフト|ワイン&ワインセラー セラー専科
サン・ロマン・ルージュ『スー・ロッシュ』[2007] シャソルネイ|割田屋【わりでんや】