Professional, ultra-compact work tray for set-up system and tools. CNC-machined from 1-piece aircraft aluminum. Extremely durable and wear resistant due to hard black coating. The parts tray features various compartments for set-up system parts, shock stands, set-up wheels, balancing tools, and other accessories. Perfect for all classes and scales. Rear part of the tray features slot for set-up system upside measurement plate. Machined pockets feature super-thin walls for light weight. Stylish chamfered edges and laser-engraved HUDY graphics makes your tray stand out on your pit table. ※掲載画像は使用例です。画像に含まれるセットアップゲージは別売です。
Extremely durable and wear resistant due to hard black coating.
The parts tray features various compartments for set-up system parts, shock stands, set-up wheels, balancing tools, and other accessories. Perfect for all classes and scales. Rear part of the tray features slot for set-up system upside measurement plate.
Machined pockets feature super-thin walls for light weight. Stylish chamfered edges and laser-engraved HUDY graphics makes your tray stand out on your pit table.
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