A brazier with a Rokaku Sansui pattern.The pattern drawn under the influence of China brings out the astringent taste along with the color of the glaze. A brazier with a pattern drawn on the side has an element as an interior. Of course, it can be used as a heater, but it can also be used according to various lifestyles, such as placing a bowl cover or glass on a table. In addition, there are three small holes on the bottom, one of which is penetrating, so please refrain from using it with water.
A brazier that appeared in the Nara period. From the Edo period to the Meiji period, it became popular among the common people, and partly developed as an interior decoration. Metal braziers with metal engraving, brightly colored pottery braziers, and braziers made of wood with a warm feel were the skills of craftsmen competing with one another. Also, at the same time, it entertained the people who used it. Until the early Showa period, it was a tool that served both as a heater and as a semi-cooker. After that, braziers disappeared from the lives of Japanese people as heaters changed due to the spread of electricity, gas, and oil. They are gaining popularity again due to changes in their value and usage as antiques and works of art.
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原産国 /Country of origin
時 代/Period
昭和初期 1926年~1945年
径44.0×高さ31.5cm 17.3×height 12.4in
素材 材質
磁器 porcelain
状 態/Quality condition
中古 -良し- 経年による小さな擦れがありますが良いです。
used - good condition - There are small scratches due to aging, but it is good.
→ 他の火鉢はこちら
A brazier with a Rokaku Sansui pattern.The pattern drawn under the influence of China brings out the astringent taste along with the color of the glaze.
A brazier with a pattern drawn on the side has an element as an interior. Of course, it can be used as a heater, but it can also be used according to various lifestyles, such as placing a bowl cover or glass on a table.
In addition, there are three small holes on the bottom, one of which is penetrating, so please refrain from using it with water.
A brazier that appeared in the Nara period. From the Edo period to the Meiji period, it became popular among the common people, and partly developed as an interior decoration.
Metal braziers with metal engraving, brightly colored pottery braziers, and braziers made of wood with a warm feel were the skills of craftsmen competing with one another. Also, at the same time, it entertained the people who used it.
Until the early Showa period, it was a tool that served both as a heater and as a semi-cooker. After that, braziers disappeared from the lives of Japanese people as heaters changed due to the spread of electricity, gas, and oil.
They are gaining popularity again due to changes in their value and usage as antiques and works of art.
→Click here for other soba cups
17.3×height 12.4in
used - good condition -
There are small scratches due to aging, but it is good.
ヒッツキ フリモノ
非常に目立つヒッツキ 釉はげ 模様の薄れ
ニュウ(ヒビ) カケ 金継ぎ 共直し
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骨董○青織部水指○ | 明治時代-19世紀頃 | 陶器 | 織部焼 | 鉄絵 | 【茶道具】【古美術】【骨董】【中古】【3,980円以上で送料無料】【三浦古美術WEB】|三浦古美術WEB
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