ニュイ サン ジョルジュ オー ヴィニュロンド Nuits St.Georges Aux Vignerondes
パーカーポイント: 92点 予想される飲み頃:NA Haunting aromas of violet, morellos, kirsch and sea spray mark Leroy’s 2007 Nuits-St.-Georges Aux Vignerondes, leading to a palate impression of refreshment and striking transparency to saline, chalky, crustacean, kelp-like, and meat stock elements. This is as tenderly-fruited, finesseful, buoyant, and downright refreshing a Pinot as I can imagine issuing from Nuits-St.-Georges, even if it lacks the sort of profound richness that more often characterizes the best wines from this domaine. I suspect it will remain well worth re-visiting for a dozen or more years, but (on the counterfactual assumption that I could both locate and afford some of this) I would not want to miss out on experiencing its youthful charms as well. (189, The Wine Advocate 29th Jun 2010)
Domaine Leroy
Nuits St.Georges Aux Vignerondes
Haunting aromas of violet, morellos, kirsch and sea spray mark Leroy’s 2007 Nuits-St.-Georges Aux Vignerondes, leading to a palate impression of refreshment and striking transparency to saline, chalky, crustacean, kelp-like, and meat stock elements. This is as tenderly-fruited, finesseful, buoyant, and downright refreshing a Pinot as I can imagine issuing from Nuits-St.-Georges, even if it lacks the sort of profound richness that more often characterizes the best wines from this domaine. I suspect it will remain well worth re-visiting for a dozen or more years, but (on the counterfactual assumption that I could both locate and afford some of this) I would not want to miss out on experiencing its youthful charms as well.
(189, The Wine Advocate 29th Jun 2010)
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