■商品概要 素材:GRP■詳細説明 The upper fairing is modelled from the first version of the NX5 which has the side air intake. We made it slightly different by smoothing the left side where there is normally a cut out near the steering damper but is otherwise stock shaped. Made from high quality epoxy resin and 200 gram glass fabric、 this product is both light and strong. It will tend to flex and not shatter in the event of an accident and hold up well to minor crashes. It is finished in primer ready for paint. To be used with lower cowling BPFL-9136. Requires screen SCRE-0173■注意点 ※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。■適合車種 RS250R RS250R 備考: NX5■商品番号 BPFU-9236
The upper fairing is modelled from the first version of the NX5 which has the side air intake. We made it slightly different by smoothing the left side where there is normally a cut out near the steering damper but is otherwise stock shaped. Made from high quality epoxy resin and 200 gram glass fabric、 this product is both light and strong. It will tend to flex and not shatter in the event of an accident and hold up well to minor crashes. It is finished in primer ready for paint. To be used with lower cowling BPFL-9136.
Requires screen SCRE-0173■注意点
備考: NX5■商品番号
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