This is another typically tough, muscular, closed, angular, acidic 1970, seemingly without the extract and concentration to balance out the tannin. The 1970 Gruaud-Larose remains dusty and coarse with considerable brett (the spoilage yeast that technocrats find appalling). I am not sure this wine will ever become fully mature. While it offers an attractive leathery, smoky, earthy nose, the flavors remain hard and coarse. (105, The Wine Advocate 30th Jun 1996)
Chateau Gruaud Larose
Chateau Gruaud Larose
This is another typically tough, muscular, closed, angular, acidic 1970, seemingly without the extract and concentration to balance out the tannin. The 1970 Gruaud-Larose remains dusty and coarse with considerable brett (the spoilage yeast that technocrats find appalling). I am not sure this wine will ever become fully mature. While it offers an attractive leathery, smoky, earthy nose, the flavors remain hard and coarse.
(105, The Wine Advocate 30th Jun 1996)
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