【商品名】 レゴ 8691 BIONICLE Phantoka Antroz バイオニクル アントローズ・ヌヴァ 【カテゴリー】ホビー:ブロック 【商品説明】 BIONICLE? Phantoka Antroz (8691) - Dark ruler of Karda Nui! Armed with a Tridax Pod, Mask of Corruption, powerful claws and poisonous fangs, Antroz leads the Brotherhood of Makuta forces in Karda Nui into the fight. This powerful warriors tears through the air on bat-like wings.
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レゴ 8691 BIONICLE Phantoka Antroz バイオニクル アントローズ・ヌヴァ
BIONICLE? Phantoka Antroz (8691) - Dark ruler of Karda Nui! Armed with a Tridax Pod, Mask of Corruption, powerful claws and poisonous fangs, Antroz leads the Brotherhood of Makuta forces in Karda Nui into the fight. This powerful warriors tears through the air on bat-like wings.
【中古】 LEGO レゴ Jurassic World Blue's Helicopter Pursuit 75928 Building Kit 397 pieces|バリューコネクト
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