●メーカー名:イルムバーガー / ILMBERGER●商品名:カーボン リアスプラッシュガード | SPS.104.MTS12.K●メーカー品番:ilm_SPS_104_MTS12_K 商品の保証は、メーカー保証書の内容に準じます。●備考 品番:SPS.104.MTS12.K This part is a direct replacement for the original component and contributes mainly to weight saving on the motorcycle (up to 70% less) and a higher stiffness of the parts. Like all of our carbon fibre parts, it was made according to the latest protocols and industry standards and can be considered to encompass all aspects of current ’best of industry’ practice. The part is made completely out of pre-preg carbon fibre materials using an autoclave. As with all our carbon parts, we use a clear plastic coating that not only improves the appearance, but also protects the carbon fibre from scratching and has a unique UV resistance.●ご注意 ※当商品は並行輸入品となります。本国に在庫がある場合、通常3~4週間で日本に入荷します。お届けにお時間要しますので予めご了承下さい。●写真注意 ※画像はイメージです。 メーカー 車種 年式 型式・フレームNo. その他 ドゥカティMultistrada 1200Not year specific※商品掲載時の適合情報です。年式が新しい車両については、必ずメーカーサイトにて適合をご確認ください。
This part is a direct replacement for the original component and contributes mainly to weight saving on the motorcycle (up to 70% less) and a higher stiffness of the parts. Like all of our carbon fibre parts, it was made according to the latest protocols and industry standards and can be considered to encompass all aspects of current ’best of industry’ practice. The part is made completely out of pre-preg carbon fibre materials using an autoclave. As with all our carbon parts, we use a clear plastic coating that not only improves the appearance, but also protects the carbon fibre from scratching and has a unique UV resistance.●ご注意
ドゥカティMultistrada 1200Not year specific※商品掲載時の適合情報です。年式が新しい車両については、必ずメーカーサイトにて適合をご確認ください。
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