魅力の新作ヴァンサン ドーヴィサ シャブリ レ クロ グラン クリュ 2019 Vincent Dauvissat Chablis Les Clos フランス ブルゴーニュ 白ワイン|KATSUDA 勝田商店 銘醸ワイン専門
ヴァンサン ドーヴィサ Vincent Dauvissat
シャブリ レ クロ Chablis Les Clos
ヴィノス: (96-98)点 予想される飲み頃:2025 - 2045 The 2019 Chablis Les Clos Grand Cru is more strict and linear on the nose compared to Les Preuses, gradually developing some subtle grilled almond and walnut aromas. You just need about 30 seconds and you are lost in the aromas. The palate is exceptionally well balanced with a nigh-perfect thread of acidity. This Les Clos displays ethereal poise from start to finish and is blessed with a pixelated quality that distinguishes it from any other. Brilliant. Candidate for wine of the vintage. (Vinous, Sep 2020)
Vincent Dauvissat
Chablis Les Clos
予想される飲み頃:2025 - 2045
The 2019 Chablis Les Clos Grand Cru is more strict and linear on the nose compared to Les Preuses, gradually developing some subtle grilled almond and walnut aromas. You just need about 30 seconds and you are lost in the aromas. The palate is exceptionally well balanced with a nigh-perfect thread of acidity. This Les Clos displays ethereal poise from start to finish and is blessed with a pixelated quality that distinguishes it from any other. Brilliant. Candidate for wine of the vintage.
(Vinous, Sep 2020)
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